Bullied Bus Monitor Gets a Vacation

Thursday June 21, 2012

By Sherri M. Gordon

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This morning, I watched a Good Morning America clip about a 68-year-old bus monitor being bullied by the students on the bus. What caught my attention, aside from the fact that the kids were being extremely cruel, was the pack mentality they displayed.

The bullies in the video seemed to feed off of one another, which unfortunately happens quite frequently in bullying situations. Kids often bully in groups because they feel insulated and don't feel responsible for their actions. They also appeared lacking in empathy, even as the woman began to cry from their comments.

There is no denying this video was difficult to watch and it has caught the attention of the nation. In fact, a Toronto man posted the video and a petition on idiegogo.com in order to send the woman on a much-needed vacation. And, the response has been overwhelming. As of this morning, more than $300,000 has been donated to a fund for the bus monitor.

The kindness and generosity that people have displayed is overwhelming and will go long way in helping this woman overcome this bullying incident. But, I also was relieved to read that the school district is investigating the situation. A bullying incident like this should never be swept under the rug.

If you find that your children have experienced a bullying situation like this one, or a different one all together, you will want to take steps to help them overcome the bullying they experienced. And while a vacation would be nice, there is much more you can do to help your children recover. Check out my article on overcoming bullying for ideas on what you can do.


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