Workplace Bullies Get Promoted Despite Actions

Thursday May 30, 2013

By Sherri M. Gordon

Workplace bullying is a growing problem that leaves devastating effects in its wake. Each year, more than 53.5 million Americans, or 35% of the U.S. workforce, report being bullied in the workplace according to the Workplace Bullying Institute. What's more, bullying is four times more prevalent than harassment. Yet, more than half of U.S. workplaces don't even have an official workplace bullying policy.

What's worse is that workplace bullies, bullying bosses and office mean girls are still getting promoted. According to a recent article in Time magazine, workplace bullies are experiencing a high level of career success. In fact, according to a study the article referenced workplace bullies often have high social abilities and are socially competent, based on a study that appeared in the Journal of Managerial Psychology. As a result, these workplace bullies use their social strengths to strategically abuse their coworkers and subordinates and yet are positively evaluated by their supervisors.

I would venture to guess that most of these promotions happen because supervisors are not even aware that bullying is taking place. Granted, there might be a select few that know about the bullying and turn the other cheek. But if I had to guess, I would imagine that often bullies are getting away with this behavior because no one is challenging them on it in and no one is reporting it.

If you are dealing with workplace bullying or you just want more information, check out the following articles. The best place to start in the fight against workplace bullying is to get educated. The second step obviously is to take a stand against workplace bullying.

Spotting Workplace Bullying

Confronting Workplace Bullying

Understanding the Effects of Workplace Bullying

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