With summer vacation coming to a close and a new school year gearing up, for some families this means more temper tantrums. Rushing to get out the door on time in the morning, not wanting to do homework, and a refusal to go to bed early can lead to a lot of behavioral issues.
It's important for families to have a plan of how they will deal with temper tantrums. They're common among preschool and school age children and they can disrupt the entire family.
If the back to school season has led to your child throwing some tantrums, it's important to get a handle on these behaviors early in the school year. Don't allow bad habits to take hold now or you might still be dealing with these behaviors at Christmas vacation time.
Learn how to manage temper tantrums and help your child get his emotions back under control. Find out the best ways to deal with temper tantrums and learn how to prevent them. If they aren't deal with appropriately now, they may get worse. </