6 Easy Facebook Plug-Ins to Add to Your Website

Saturday November 24, 2012

By Tiffany Black

A great way to increase traffic to your website and interaction with your readers is to install a few Facebook Plug-ins to your website. A social plug-in is a button you can install on your website, blog, or page in order to drive more traffic to your own or outside social networks and sites. Social plug-ins also let your website visitors see what their friends have liked, commented on or shared on sites across the web.I f you already use Facebook Plug-ins, make sure they are the most up to date version as Facebook is constantly changing their options. Facebook offers several plug-in options but here are 6 that are the easiest to add.

  1. Like Button
  2. Facebook Send Button
  3. Facebook Comment Plug-in
  4. Activity Feed Plug-in
  5. Facebook Recommendations Plug-in
  6. Facebook Share Button

You don't have to add them all but the ones that you think your website visitors would be most likely to use.


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