What is Facebook Developer's Live?

Monday May 6, 2013

By Tiffany Black

In February, Facebook launched a new application called Facebook Developers Live (FDL). This new tool is meant to help companies or individuals that have created applications enhance the awareness of their product by using Facebook. Through FDL, application creators can gain knowledge on the best way to grow their brand, including tips on developing apps for Android, Apple iOs, and other ideas.

The format of FDL includes many videos, all of which currently come from the launch of the new program with Doug Purdy (Head of Platform Products for Facebook). These videos will be updated, however, as part of the FDL initiative is to bring in experts on certain topics and speak to app developers via streaming web casts. One way to think of FDL is to see it as a Ted.com of sorts for those looking to enhance and increase exposure for their apps.

As the number of applications offered has increased, making an application stick out has become a difficult task for developers. Part of the FDL idea is to help develops receive notice and attention via Facebook integration.

Purdy also touches on the importance of applications for mobile devices, as they allow us to share things with our friends more easily. Whether it is showing friends your latest sushi dish, or sharing your songs on Spotify, applications can be molded by developers to fit virtually any need.

By liking the FDL page, you will be given information on all kinds of tutorials to help develop applications, as well as be notified on any upcoming speakers or events that will be hosted on the page. This new Facebook application differs from the page "Facebook Developers" which shares news and information about changes and enhancements within Facebook. Rather, FDL is devoted solely to helping companies develop their applications by using Facebook tools and giving them essential advice through videos, panel discussions, and explanations.


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