Insider fashion at Manhattan's Beauty & Essex

Sunday March 31, 2013

By Justin Howard

It was during the hustle and bustle of preparing for a celebrity charity brunch at the Food Network's "Chopped" bad boy chef Chris Santo's Beauty & Essex restaurant that fashion curator Lauren Kaminsky sat down with me and explained to me what it takes to run a Manhattan hotspot fashion-wise.

Insider Fashion at Manhattan's Beauty & Essex

JH - So darling what exactly is a fashion curator? I mean what is it you do?

LK - That in itself is a very long winded question and answer. My family owns pawn shops all over from Manhattan to Queens. I act as a buyer for both the real pawn shop and the pawn shop in front of Beauty & Essex. So while the restaurant doesn't have a real operating pawn shop like what I am used to working with during the day, the pawn shop in front of the restaurant allows us to showcase what our real pawn shop has for sale as far as jewelry. And show a little sampling of our great high end fashion pieces and items like Chanel bags, Hermes scarves. Things that are very much unique and that you won't be able to walk into a normal retail store and find, you can essentially find a small sampling of in Beauty & Essex.

For more on my exclusive interview with fashion curator Lauren Kaminsky of Beauty & Essex, check out my fashion column at

Photo Courtesy of Beauty & Essex

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