So, the summer of 2013 is officially over. Unless you're well out of college (or simply haven't looked at a calendar) school is back in session. I know, I know, this isn't the most enjoyable news in the world. Fortunately, if you take a look at Classic Literature in Translation, you'll find that the site is gearing itself to meet plenty of your back-to-school needs. Okay, so we can't get you a brand new laptop or the prom date of your dreams. But we can get you some really good grades.
How is that, exactly? In case you haven't noticed, I've spent the past month or two creating study guides for often-assigned school books, like Gustave Flaubert's "A Simple Heart", Yasunari Kawabata's Snow Country, and Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha. And I've only begun to fight. Check back in the near future, and you'll find study guides to Chekhov's "The Lady with the Little Dog", Beckett's Waiting for Godot, and many, many more. All classroom favorites, all summarized and analyzed for you.
Of course, you may not be in a literature class that uses much literature in translation. (American Lit, anyone?) But that's no reason to ignore us until 2014. Wondering about a tough literary concept like romanticism, modernism, or metafiction? Just take a look at the "Terms and Definitions" section. Need to think of some good analysis topics for an honors project or your SAT essay? Try our study guides and reading lists
But the school year is young, and I'm taking requests. What would you like to see on Classic Literature in Translation during the next couple of months? How can we fit your back-to-school needs? Write in, let me know. And don't lament the end of summer; school can be an adventure of its own.