About.com Triathlon Guide

Developing Your Training Plan

Monday April 1, 2013
"Running! If there is any activity happier, more exhilarating, more nourishing to the imagination, I can't think what it could be." ~ Joyce Carol Oates

Unless you are a professional athlete or idly rich, odds are that the amount of time you can afford to devote to athletic training of any kind is limited. So where I just told you that you need to go long, you may well be thinking, "That's great. But I don't always have time."

What you need is a way to balance your training, both within the three disciplines of triathlon and with the rest of your life. Check out this article to learn just how to do that.

How Do I Know Triathlon Is Right For Me

Friday March 1, 2013
"A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind." ~ Lewis Mumford

Triathlon is not an obvious Everyman-type sport. I mean, yeah, you swim, you bike, you run. . . these are the things kids do every day during the summertime. So in that sense, triathlon harkens back to one's most basic athletic instincts. Check out this article to see if triathlon is right for you.

Combating Boredom

Friday March 1, 2013
"A competitor will find a way to win. competitors take bad breaks and use them to drive themselves just that much harder. Quitters take bad breaks and use them as reasons to give up. It's all a matter of pride." ~ Nancy Lopez

During training for a triathlon, marathon or any other endurance sport, one will realize the time amount of time to train for long-distance event is significant. During this said training, one will also discover the same, monotonous activity begins to drain the brain. Check out this article to learn how to combat boredom.

How Do You Fit It All In?

Friday March 1, 2013
"When people us your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable." ~ Meg Whitman

When folks find out I'm a triathlete, one of the first questions they invariably ask is, "How do you fit it all in?" Truth is, it is a challenge. But there are a few things you can do to give yourself an edge. Check out this article to learn how you can fit it all in.

Is the New Balance 890V2 Shoe For You?

Friday March 1, 2013
"For brevity is very good, where we are, or are not understood." ~ Samual Butler

Are you in need of some new running shoes? Check out this article to see if the New Balance 890v2 shoe is for you.

Calculating Your Swim Interval

Friday March 1, 2013
"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion." ~ Mia Hamm

Last time, we talked a little about using intervals in swim training and about how you might begin building your own interval-based swim workouts. Now it's time to go a little deeper. Check out this article on how to calculate your swim interval.

What Is Triathlon?

Friday March 1, 2013
"Lost time is never found again." ~ Benjamin Franklin

What brought you here? Did you make a bet with a buddy that you could do a triathlon? Are you looking for a personal challenge? Were you inspired by a triathlete's story?

No matter what has raised your curiosity, you are on the road to starting a long love affair with an incredibly addicting and life-changing sport. The sport of triathlon will allow you to challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible. Check out this article to learn if triathlon is right for you.

Maintaining Fitness While Injured

Friday March 1, 2013
"Intervals and other types of speed work are essential to improve running speed." ~ Frank Shorter

Athletes get injured, whether it's a rolled ankle, sore hip, or something more serious like a stress fracture. Check out this article to learn how to avoid being sidelined.

Preparing for a New Season of Triathlon: Setting Goals and Making a Plan

Sunday January 13, 2013
"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

If you're like me, then it's probably been a couple of weeks or months since you've done any serious training or racing.

There's nothing wrong with that.

As an adult age-grouper triathlete, I think it's important to take an offseason, both to let your body rest and heal after the rigors of the season and to give you time to reconnect with your family and with the other parts of your life that exist outside the sphere of swimming, biking, and running.

However, now the New Year is right around the corner, and with it will come a new season of triathlon. Now is the time to start setting the conditions that will lead you to a successful season of racing next year.

How do you do that?

Check out this article to learn how to set tough but realistic goals, identify key races on your calendar, and use those goals and those races to build your training plan.

Tip of the Day: A race gives us goals. It measures us. It motivates us. Plan your schedule for the entire year in advance.

Learning To Combat Boredom

Saturday January 12, 2013
"Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate." ~ J.R.R Tolkien

During training for a triathlon, marathon or any other endurance sport, one will realize the time amount of time to train for long-distance event is significant. During this said training, one will also discover the same, monotonous activity begins to drain the brain. Check out this article to learn about how to combat boredom in your triathlon training.

Tip of the day: Seek out new training territory. A thirty minute drive will put you on roads you've never seen.


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