Spinach Stew Popeye Would Love

Thursday July 12, 2012

By Elizabeth Taviloglu, Guide for Turkish Food

If you love spinach but can't get your family to feel the same, I have the perfect recipe for you. Turkish-style spinach and tomato stew.

It's so warm, comfy and delicious it will make eating spinach easy, even for your kids. On top, you'll feel good that you finally got them to eat it, and eat so much of it.

My son gulps down profuse amounts of spinach stew every time I make it. I can almost see his muscles popping each time. 'Temel Reis,' the Turkish Popeye, would be proud!

Turkish spinach stew is also easy on you. This stovetop dish takes only minutes to prepare and has everything you need for a balanced meal all in one pot.

Spinach, tomatoes, onions, ground beef, rice and plain yogurt. It's all there. Just fry your onions in some olive oil, add everything else, let it stew and rest will be history.

It's nice to serve his juicy stew with something on the side for dipping and soaking up the juice. Soft rolls and bread work well, as do layered pastries.

I like to prepare easy triangle pastries made with frozen puff pastry. If you time yourself just right, you can prepare the pastries while your stew is stewing, and both will be ready to serve at the same time.

More spinach recipes:

Spinach Pilaf Recipe

Fatayer -- Spinach Pie

Spinach Hummus

Photo © Elizabeth Taviloglu, 2012


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