'04 sebring getting overheated

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:45 PM GMT


i have chrysler sebring 2004, 2.7ltr, it is getting overheated, its water boils and come out from its reservoir vent every 10 to 15 minutes of drive, i already have clean radiator and there is no leakage in water system.


Hi Umer, There is a possibility that the thermostat is stuck closed or not opening at the proper temperature that it is supposed to. There are several dismantling steps needed to remove the thermostate and then to test it in a pot of hot water to obeserve the temperture at which it should openn typically around 95C. I can copy the pages from the '04 manual that describe the steps to remove the thermostat and attach those to an email which I will send to you directly. But to do that you need to tell me your email address in a NEW Question, and when you do that click on the box to make the question PRIVATE. Then in the text of the question tell me what that email address is. If you don't make it private then the address is erased and I won't see it. Roland Hi Umer, Thanks for the rating and nomination. I should mention that there are other possible reasons for overheating just to be complete: You should be using a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze as the cooling system is set-up with the assumption that the temperatures of the coolant will routinely exceed 100 C so of course you have to raise the boiling point by using the 50/50 mix. The pressure cap of the reservoir may have a dry or cracked gasket which then will also allow the coolant to boil at a lower temperature than if the system were pressurized. The pressure cap is different between the 2.7L and the 2.0/2.4L engines so be sure you have the correct cap. The fins of the radiator may be dirty which is impeding the flow of air through them The cooling fans may not be coming on when the temp showing on the gauge is 1/2 or higher. One of the wheel brakes may be dragging (feel the wheels to see if any one of them in noticeably hotter). There could be an internal leak in the engine at the gasket between the block and the cylinder head. Evidence for that would be if you hear bubbling sound early after starting the engine before it is reasonable to expect the coolant to be so hot as boil. Any other loss of coolant could also cause this (hose/heater core, which would cause floor mats under the dash to be wet. So look at those possibilities before removing the thermostat, but also be sure to get the pages I offered to send about removing the thermostat correctly as without this information you or the mechanic could mess up the repair job. Roland


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