Chrysler repair/chrysler 2005 300 : electric window switch

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:47 PM GMT


QUESTION: I saw that you answered a question about a 2005 300 with the power window and mirror problem on the driver side switches. How do I get the door panel off? I took out the pegs around the outside and the screws on the bottom. The panel is loose but I don't want to just yank it off and something breaks. I tried to pull on the speaker grill but the same thing, I don't know if I am going to break something.

ANSWER: Hi Brian, There are about 10 steps in the removal that are detailed enough that I would prefer to copy the pages from the '05 manual and attach them to an email that I would to you directly. So ask a follow-up question wherein you tell me your email address but don't use the @ symbol but rather use "at", otherwise the address is automatically deleted from the text. Please 'rate' my answer (see below). Thanks, Roland

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: gatrbri at I actually got it open now. The wires are all bundled up and I don't see anything that looks loose. I see the ground wire under the driver side seat and it is tight.


OK, so you don't need the drawings, correct? Tell me exactly what works and doesn't work on about the switches in that door. Then I might be able to tell where the problem lies.

Please again: don't any of the power windows switches do what they are labelled to do? or can you control windows that are remote from the driver's seat. Do the local switches at the other doors work their windows? Do the power mirror adjustments not work at all on both sides? Do the power door locks switches work at all?, and how about the local switches in the other doors? Remember, you haven't given me any details about why you wanted to remove the trim panel to start with. Based upon what you tell me in answer to the above question I should be able to suggest where to look to solve your problems.


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