Cornwall wall pendulum clock

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:37 PM GMT


QUESTION: my clock does not ring correctly with the hour. when the time changed i moved the hands bsckwards instead of going all the way around the clock to reset the correct time . can this be fixed?

ANSWER: I always suggest never setting a clock by turning the hands backwards, particularly not if the hand is moved through 12. If it becomes seemingly necessary to do so, exercise one of the following options. 1) Stop the clock and restart it when the time setting becomes correct or you can reset by moving the hands forward. 2) Move the hands forwards until the correct time is set, always stop moving the hands when a strike should occur, allow the clock to complete its strike sequence before proceeding ahead. Frankly I prefer stopping the clock. It is far less trouble and less time consuming. Now, all this does not solve your problem, you are already out of synchronization and need to get it back. To be provide you with specifics I will need you to tell me exactly how far out of synch is the time to strike. For example, at 12, what is the actual strike performed? 11, 10, 9 or what?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i tried to reset the clock as per uour instuctions but the closest i could get is to get to chime 8 times at 9 oclock , 10 times at 11 oclock and so forth . need more help . thanks,don


You need to reposition the hour hand, i.e. move it ahead an hour. How you would do this is dependent upon how the clocks movement was built. Most American and European clocks have hour hands that are friction fit to their shafts. In such cases all you need do is to grasp the hourhand as close to the shaft as you can and simply turn it to a position 1 hour ahead of where it currently is. While turning the hour hand also keep the minute hand from turning. If your clock has the friction mounted feature this will cause the correction you seek. The other option, common to many Korean clocks is that the hour hand is held on its shaft by a hand nut. In this case you would have to remove the minute hand from its shaft to get at the hand nut for the hour hand. You would then remove that nut and the hour hand from its shaft. Turning the hour hand over in your hand you will not that the hole that secures the hour hand in position on its shaft is in the form of a friction fit bushing. Insert the tang of a file into that bushing and turn the hand enough so that when replaced on its shaft is in a position 1 hour in advance to where it was originally. When done, secure the hands in their proper position by their hand nuts. Your clock should be in synch. If you have any doubts about performing this operation I would strongly suggest you take it to a qualified clock repair person for repair.


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