Excel if function

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2014 09:32 PM GMT


I am using the formula below against each cell in a list of values. The formula works perfectly for all cell values except the value -4.00%

=IF(B1>=4%,"If out if the market, BUY", IF(B1=-4%,"If in the market, SELL"))

I am using2002

Thank You for your help Ray Glessner


If your input data is having the % then use the below formula:- =IF(ISNUMBER(B1),IF(B1>=4%,"If out if the market, Buy",IF(B1=-4%,"If in the market, Sell","")),"")

If your input data don't have the % then use the below formula:- =IF(ISNUMBER(B1),IF(B1>=4*100,"If out if the market, Buy",IF(B1=-4*100,"If in the market, Sell","")),"")


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