Is it possible to insert a photo file and make it transparent so that you can utilize the cells under the photo to set as links to other files? In other words...I have a diagram that i imported intoas a jpg file...the diagram is of a house I want to draw arrows and label "photo 1" etc and hyperlink so that when you click on the part of the diagram it opens up to the hyperlink in thefile displaying the photo on another sheet in the same workbook. The problem I'm having is that I can't getto recognize parts of the photo it will let me go over the photo file with a txt box but I cannot plug in a hyperlink or formula bc i cannot get to the actual cell...
I don't think you can make the picture transparent with any of the options provided by- at least I don't see any option for that. You might be able to use photo editing or other graphic software and make the picture itself transparent before you copy it into excel. It sounds like you might have already done that.
However, you can make the picture itself a hyperlink. If you right click on the picture, the pop up menu should offer hyperlink.
that said, it sounds like you want to click on various parts of the picture and go to different places based on where you click. You can't click through the picture onto the worksheet.
If you want to do that, you would need to put the picture in an Image control. the image control provides mouse events such as
Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
and using that you can determine where the click occured. You would have to write vba code to interpret where it occured and decide where to jump to.
An alternative might be to build your diagram usingbuilt in shapes and then you could make each shape a hyperlink or attach a macro to it. (don't know how sophisticated your diagram is)
Or you could put tranparent shapes (rectangles) on top of the picture or transparent textboxes if you want labels on top of the picture and attach macros to them or make them hyperlinks.
that might be the closest to what you are doing now and wouldn't require vba code if you made them hyperlinks.