Extract some data from .dat file to

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2014 09:35 PM GMT


I wanted to extract a piece of data from the below shown example file. The data which I need to extract starts with CC01.A1.52.175 and so on and also I need to extract "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL1 TEMP REF J1 " from the same New Analogue data this needs to be done for lot of tables within the document.

The first list always start with a keyword "NEW ANALOGUE". The extracted data should be displayed in two different tables in excel, each one for the extraccted data..

Could you please provide some help to solve this problem and I am very much in need of it.. Sample table:

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.175;-;#500;#000;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL1 TEMP REF J1 ";CS;3244;-;CJC;00;0;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.176;-;#504;#011;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL1 TEMP REF J2 ";CS;3245;-;CJC;00;1;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.177;-;#504;#012;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL2 TEMP REF J1 ";CS;3246;-;CJC;01;0;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.178;-;#510;#023;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL2 TEMP REF J2 ";CS;3247;-;CJC;01;1;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.183;-;#510;#024;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL1 TEMP REF J1 ";CS;3248;-;CJC;02;0;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.184;-;#514;#035;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL1 TEMP REF J2 ";CS;3249;-;CJC;02;1;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.185;-;#514;#036;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL2 TEMP REF J1 ";CS;3250;-;CJC;03;0;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.52.186;-;#522;#007;03;CS;00;ON;degC;NO;60.0;-20;

                       "CC01 ISOTHERMAL PL2 TEMP REF J2 ";CS;3251;-;CJC;03;1;FLOAT;SOC;10;FINISH;
          ["++++++++++++++";          CC01;AITX;+++;++;+;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.51.601;-;#300;#004;03;CS;00;ON;degC;YES;1000;0;

                       "CGO E13 TEMP C (ROD DE16)       ";CS; 03200;DBT;11168;CUBIC;-1.47744442E-3;1.044104;-1.229689E-1;7.739737E-2;FLOAT;FINISH;
          ["T2(24)        ";          CC01;AIAX;DBT;6;7;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.51.604;-;#300;#000;03;CS;00;ON;degC;YES;1000;0;

                       "CGO F23 TEMP C (ROD FG20)       ";CS; 03201;DBT;11169;CUBIC;-1.47744442E-3;1.044104;-1.229689E-1;7.739737E-2;FLOAT;FINISH;
          ["T2(44)        ";          CC01;AIAX;DBT;6;7;1N;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.51.606;-;#300;#005;03;CS;00;ON;degC;YES;1000;0;

                       "CGO F39 TEMP C (ROD FG36)       ";CS; 03202;DBT;11170;CUBIC;-1.47744442E-3;1.044104;-1.229689E-1;7.739737E-2;FLOAT;FINISH;
          ["T2(52)        ";          CC01;AIAX;DBT;6;7;;]

NEW ANALOGUE; CC01.A1.51.620;-;#300;#001;03;CS;00;ON;degC;YES;1000;0;


You can use Data, Text o columns to split your data accross multiple columns. Then you can use Data, Filter, Autofilter to filter for specific information, or use VLOOKUP and/or INDEX/MATCH functions to extract the information you need.


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