I have a clock I'm fixing for a friend. The dial has F Johnson (printing appears to be a decal and is badly damaged) Southport in the center of the dial.
THe trademark is on the back plate. I cannot find it anywhere. I am sending image.
trade marks is of :
Regulateur Fabrik "Germania"
Freiburg in Schlesien, Germany
registered trademark in 1896
Freiburg, Schlesien, Germany (later East Germany) 1.4 1847 - 1926 Joined Vereingte Freiburger Uhrfabriken A. G. (VFU)
together with many local smaller companies: - Ender & Co (founded 1865) - Germania (f. 1871) - B?lch & Jackel (f. 1871, cabinet maker) - Willmann & Co (f. 1872) - Sabarth (f. 1873) - Heize & Co (f. 1874, cabinet maker) - Concordia (f. 1881) - Kappel & Co (f. 1882) - Borrusia (f. 1888) - Carl B?hm (f. 1895) - Victoria (f. 1899, cabinet maker) VFU was bought by Junghans 1926. (1929 officially)
F. Johnson is probably the retailer