Import or merge contact info in differentcells in a file

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2014 09:42 PM GMT


G'Day I am trying to achieve a 'mail merge' function from Business contacts frominto excel. I want to have specific information such as first name, surname, address, phone numbers only to be in different cells in an existingform. I have achieved this in mail merge inbut cannot seem to do the same thing in excell


Do you have the row headings (i.e., First Name, Surname, Address, Phone Number) setup by columns in Excel?

If you do, it is simply a matter of using theLabel Form to complete the Merge.

If you would like me to setup sample documents for you, please email me at:

Otherwise, I think you are on the right track to complete the process, except for the mail merge using Word's Label Option on Mailings.

Please let me know if this helps you.


Mary A. Lindsey eDoc Support LLC


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