Interior lights blown fuse 19: '98-04 lh body

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:48 PM GMT


QUESTION: I have a 2000 Chrysler LHS and the fuse for the radio and interior lights keeps blowing.

ANSWER: Hi Renard, That 10 amp fuse #19 as you recognize powers about 13 interior light bulbs plus the radio readout. The only way to stop this is to find out where there is short circuit that is passing the 12v directly to a ground. Do you know of any interior bulb that was changed recently or that is not working (before the fuse blows), or a fixture for an interior bulb that is damaged? If so then I would start at that bulb and check it and the socket for damage, try removing it and see if that stops the fuse from blowing. It could either be the bulb or the socket or the wires close to the socket are the shorting component. Other than that, about all you can do is to get a volt-ohm meter, remove the blown fuse, put one lead of the meter on the 'cold' side of the #19 fuse socket (the side that doesn't show 12v on it compared to ground using your voltmeter) and the other lead on a shiney structual metal surface nearby (ground). Then measure the resistance reading in ohms. It will be probably around 0, which means a 'short'. Then you would go to each interior light bulb and remove it, one at a time to see if the reading increases from about 0 ohms to something more reasonable like 20 ohms. Have one door open at all times that you are doing these measurements. Once you find the short and correct it the fuse will no longer blow. The lights in question are the ones in the cabin, glove box, doors and the trunk. Roland

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Roland,

Thanks for the tip on finding the problem. I think I may have located the light with the issue. The passenger door courtesy light shows about 29 ohms. What do I do to correct the issue? Any info is greatly appreciated.


Hi Renard, If by 'shows 29 ohms' you mean that the meter reading increased from near 0 up to 29 when you removed that bulb, then it suggests that the bulb probably is shorting out the current to ground or that the socket into which it fits is doing that when the bulb is inserted. So see if the bulb itself shows about 0 ohms and if so get a new one. 29 ohms is now normal, certainly high enough that the fuse will no longer blow so all you have to do is figure out the problem at that specific bulb location or you could just leave the bulb out of the socket or replace the socket if the bulb itself is not shorted. Roland PS You are entitled to rate/nominate this answer as well. I appreciate your rating and nomination of my initial answer.


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