Is this okay?? i need help please

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:35 PM GMT


Mr Buckner, I am a 17 year old who lives in California is dating a 15 year old, I'm about to turn 18 in 3 weeks, I would like to know if dating her while I'm 18 is legal in California, we are not engaging in any sexual activity, we just hug, and occasionally kiss. Both of her parents are ok with our relationship.


Dear Miguel,

I'm not really an expert on this, but I know a little about it. The age of consent--the age when someone is considered by law old enough to marry or to knowingly agree to sex--varies from one state to another (I don't know what the law in California is). If a person is not yet that old and has sex with an adult, the adult can indeed get into big trouble--get charged with statutory rape and be labelled a sex offender and have his life ruined. It may even be possible for this to happen to him if you don't have sex, if someone accuses him of having sex with a minor.

You and she should talk to an adult you trust--a high school counselor, a parent, etc.--or some agency like Planned Parenthood or maybe the ACLU--to see what your rights and your risks are where you live.

Be careful.


Ed B.


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