how to saprate date and time insheet
Date and time are stored as the elapsed number of days form a base date.
In Windows, the default base date is the turn of the century in 1900.
so today is 40248.
6 AM today would be 1/4 of a day so today as 6 AM is 40248.25
Mar 11, 2010 6:00:00 AM is stored in A2 as a Date/Time serial number
in B2 =Trunc(A1) formatted as a Date will give you the date portion. Mar 11, 2010
in C2
=A2-trunc(B2) formatted as Time will give you the time portion. 6:00:00 AM
As a ready reference if you are interested, you can find a wealth of information on working with dates and times at Chip Pearson's site is a good intro to his information. At the bottom of the page are links to other date and time related pages on his site.