QUESTION: I need to trigger around 35 reconcialition reports daily in differnt timing slots..
Is it possible to have a VBA code inwhich would pop up a message box saying "Manoj, please trigger XYZ recon"... this should be aligned to my system timing.
As it is very critical not to miss my timing.. it would be of great help if you could help me.......
i'm using2007.
ANSWER: It's possible, I just don't know when you want this message to appear? Is it when a particular workbook is opened? Is it every hour? The code to do this must reside inside a workbook -- it COULD be in your personal.xlam if you want it to not be associated with a particular workbook, but I need more info...
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks a lot for the quick reply Bob,
i want it to be in a workbook, i would open it start of everyday. i want it to pop up message at 35 different times with in the time frame of 7AM - 7PM. it would be of great help if you could write code for 3 or 4 different timings in between above timing slot, i will inculde the other timings. i will also modify the message as required on that time...
ANSWER: Sub Auto_Open()
Application.OnTime "7:00:15 AM", "Msg" Application.OnTime "8:45:00 AM", "Msg" Application.OnTime "12:15:00 PM", "Msg" Application.OnTime "4:47:00 PM", "Msg"
End Sub Sub Msg()
MsgBox "Manoj, please trigger XYZ reconciliation reports"
End Sub
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
above code requires a small change, may be i should have been more specific on my question.
i) the code is not auto executing. in the above code third message box should pop up at 12:15:00 PM; but it did not and when i run the macro, msg box is appering. could you please make the changes where in msg box(S) should automatically pop up according to time instead of me running the macro.
ii) i have to run 8 different reports 35 times a day. At 7:00:15AM, msg box should show as "Manoj, please trigger XYZ reconciliation reports" . At 8:45:00AM, msg box should show as "Manoj, please trigger abc reconciliation reports". At 12:15:00PM, msg box should show as "Manoj, please trigger PQR reports"
earlier it had single msg for all the timings. could you please change the code so that each time has its own msg..
please make the code in such a way that it should auto excute when the workbook is open...
thanks in advance,
The code DOES auto_execute -- needs to be in a module, not in a workbook sheet code or thisworkbook code. It MUST be called Auto_Open.
Sub Auto_Open()
Application.OnTime "7:00:15 AM", "'Msg ""XYZ""'" Application.OnTime "8:45:00 AM", "'Msg ""abc""'" Application.OnTime "12:15:00 PM", "'Msg ""PQR""'"
End Sub Sub Msg(mm)
MsgBox "Manoj, please trigger " & mm & "reconciliation reports"
End Sub