Hello Sixthsense Thanks for the help setting up my library film # database. I have been playing around with it and have come to a "sort" problem. Is it possible to lock the info entered into the various columns of each row together (I have 4 columns) so that if I do a sort on any of the columns, the rest of the info in the columns of the same row stay together and get sorted together?
If you want to sort only a single column then you can select that column alone and apply sort for that, but the problem is that the data of the concerned rows (i.e.) the next cell contents will be left out and the column which you have selected alone will getting sorted but the rest of the columns data will be mingled with column you have sorted. So I always suggest peoples to select single column when there is only one column data.
If the data columns are more then we have to select the entire range and apply the sort. In your query select the entire data Columns that is A to D since you have mentioned 1 to 4 columns you are having the data.
Case 1:- Assume that your data like the below:- A column data starts from A1 and ends in A1500, B column data starts from B1 and ends with B1000 C column data starts from C1 and ends with C1250 and D column data starts from D1 and ends with D1300. Here the highest Column data is present on A column (A1500) when comparing to B,C & D Column. So you have to select A1 to D1500 and apply the sorting.
Case 2:- Assume that your data like the below:- A column data starts from A1 and ends in A800, B column data starts from B1 and ends with B1000 C column data starts from C1 and ends with C1800 and D column data starts from D1 and ends with D1250. Here the highest Column data is present on C column (C1800) when comparing to A,B & D Column. So you have to select A1 to D1800 and apply the sorting.
If you apply the sort after selecting your data range likes the case1 & case2 examples then the data of corresponding rows will also moved along with the column which you have sorted.
If the worksheet is having only a single column data then you can select that column alone and apply the sort. If the data is present on multiple columns then the entire data ranges should be selected before applying the sorting.
-- Sixthsense