Stair railings & watercloset space

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2014 03:06 PM GMT


For Los Angeles -- On a 10 tread stairway, we have two treads open on one side and fully closed on the other. Does the city require railing & balustrades for the two steps?

We are making some changes to a bathroom & had specified a 3 1/2 foot space for the toilet. Is code 18" on each side from center minimum or is it now 21"?



  I do not know the city codes but the International Residential Code probably applies. You cannot have an opening larger than 4" so I believe you will need to add ballusters to those two stairs.
  The water closet requires 15" from the center to the side wall and 21" from the center to the wall in front.


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