Valve cover gasket: '99 3.3l engine

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:49 PM GMT


QUESTION: 1999 Dodge Grand Caravan 165K 3.3L

The valve cover gaskets already on the vehicle are the thick ones and new available from Mopar are thin. What is the difference between the two? Can we replace the thick valve cover gaskets with a thin ones?


ANSWER: I don't have any indication of that except possibly it has to do with the type of fasteners that you have (I told you of the two types so possibly what you have there now requires the same sort of gasket. Perhaps two thin gaskets would have identical thickness to a thick gasket? You might check that possibility. Otherwise I can ask locally but I need to know the last 8 digits of the Vehicle Identification Number. Roland

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Do you think changing the type of fasteners may be an option?


ANSWER: According to a local dealer your engine has the isolated type of valve cover and therefore the thick gaskets. They are available but cost $99.38 each! The part number is 469 4303 At that price I would try to reuse the old ones. You cannot change the fastener to the non-isolated type as the valve cover itself is what forces you to use the gasket and fastener that you already have there, unless you can find a wreck with the other type of valve cover and switch that out entirely. But check to be sure the bolt pattern is identical as well if you try going that way. Roland

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QUESTION: The old gaskets were leaking, both of them. I do not know if I can use these again without the possibility of leaking.

Is it possible that I use RTV sealant with the old gaskets to re-use those? (I know some cars using RTV sealant without gaskets)

Do you still recommend using two thin gaskets together, if these equal the thickness of a thick gasket?



You could attempt using the old ones, filling in the indentations with RTV. Only if the two thin gakskets were identical is all other aspects, would I consider doubling up those. You will have a potential for leaks occuring between the two gaskets at the seam. Why not check out the thin vs the thick and maybe do the easier on that way, while trying the RTV approach on the harder to install old gasket? I could check around for a better price here in the U.S. on new thick gaskets. I don't have much experience with reuse/adaptation approaches. Thanks for you ratings and nomination, Shafique.


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