Vba for creating pivot table

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2014 10:01 PM GMT


Hi Victor, Greetings!! I have a worksheet of data with 8 columns (date, category, customer, month, unit, quantity sold, Unit price and total sales).I have been trying without success to prepare a Pivot table (income statement format) in a separate worksheet using VBA with category as rows, months and total as columns. I also want the pivot table to update automatically as additional rows of data is entered in the data worksheet. I use2007. The data will begin in row 6 of the data worksheet. The output could also begin in row 6 of the worksheet. Grateful for your assistance. Thanks much..Earle


Greetings. Thanks for writing to me, I would like to know if you managed to create the Pivot Table without VBA?

If that was fine, then it's a matter of using the Pivot Table that was created manually and write a VBA code to update it automatically when additional rows of data is entered in the data worksheet.

Do send me your spreadsheet with the Pivot Table created so that I can help you on the VBA. Cheers.


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