Welby chiming mantle clock

Last Edited By Krjb Donovan
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2014 07:40 PM GMT


Back plate

Received clock for repair in state of dismantlement. All part seem to be here. I cannot find in my books any reference to the assembly of the chime and strike trains. Do you have any reference to the reassembly of these parts? I have placed some of the parts back on the plate (see Pic)

Thank you


You are probably looking for the wrong thing. You need to seek out information for a Hermle 340-020. In their manual, "Spare parts for movements" Hermle provide exploded view for all their movements which should be of immense help to you. Your public library might have a copy available if not contact Hermle Black Forest Clocks, telephone 804-946-7751.


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