Are You Getting All the Discounts You Deserve on Your Auto Policy?

Friday October 19, 2012

By Janet Hunt

Insurance is expensive and there is no getting around it. However, there are ways to save on your auto insurance include discounts provided by insurance companies that allow you to reduce the premium you pay on your auto insurance.

The best idea, whether you are shopping online for auto insurance or are meeting face-to-face with an insurance agent, is to find out what auto insurance discounts are offered upfront before you decide to buy a policy. This way, you can make sure you get all the discounts you qualify for including common discounts such as teen driving discounts and discounts for safety features installed on your vehicle.

One other thing you might want to check into is special programs that offer additional savings to reduce your auto insurance premium. Some of these special programs to ask about are the disappearing deductible program and accident forgiveness. While these programs do add savings for you they also almost always cost extra to add to your insurance policy. You will have to do some research to find out if the savings are worth the costs of these special incentives offered.

If you find that you are paying way too much for your auto insurance, maybe you should shop around to see if you are getting the best deal. When shopping around for a better insurance premium, keep in mind that if you have had automobile accidents or claims recently, this could add to the price of your auto insurance. In fact, in such as case, your current auto carrier often gives the best deal, especially if you have been with the company for many years.


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