Facebook: A Place to Reconnect, Chat, and SAVE

Saturday January 12, 2013

By Torrey Kim

When Facebook first came on to the scene, many people thought of it as a "teenager's hangout," but then web-surfers of all ages began to discover its benefits. From sharing photos to reconnecting with lost friends, there's something for everyone on the site -- even deal-seekers. Facebook can save you money in a variety of ways, from couponing to gathering text codes to connecting with those who have similar interests

Retailers have been catching on to the fact that consumers are looking for coupons. A 2012 study revealed that 58% of Facebook users expect coupons in return for "liking" a page. So not only do manufacturers and retailers get more traffic to their sites via Facebook coupons, but it's a win-win, since consumers save more cash. A separate study done in September noted that 77% of those who "liked" a Facebook page ended up saving money from it.

With that in mind, head over to Facebook and do some exploring -- it's worth it to see if you can save some money.


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