Do You Have A Data Plan?

Saturday August 10, 2013

By Torrey Kim

Depending on the type of smartphone you've got, your phone company may require you to use a data plan, which often cost about $30 per month. The data plan can allow you to access the internet from any location that gets cell service, which can be a plus if you're trying to get email or surf the internet while away from your wireless router. But whether you're buying school supplies, housewares, groceries, or just trying to cash in a restaurant coupon, you might need to access the internet to get your coupons.

If you have a device, such as an iPad or iPod Touch, that doesn't have a data plan, you can access your coupons before you leave the house, then present your device in-store to redeem discounts. This could take a bit of planning, but it's viable. We're interested in knowing which of our readers successfully use a data-free savings strategy. Write us at to let us know how you've fared as a mobile couponer without a data plan.


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